Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Holy Molly! Catapolly!

I've got writer's block (or just plain laziness-but writer's block sounds so much posher!) - so till I unblock my self here's a picture to keep you entertained. Can you guess what it is?

Saw this on a tree in Kandy at my in-laws holiday home. The creepiest thing I ever saw! Just made my skin crawl.

So horrible when they are together, yet so cute when some people I know :)


  1. eeek, I've never seen such a huge number of them together like this before! :O My first thought was that it was some weird huge spider! lol :D

  2. scary indeed!!!

    Once, one of those buggers fell on my hand...can you imagine what an itchy & painful nightmare it was?


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  4. hey su
    picture is scaryyyyy

    laughing on your comment, i see you have met the school groupy moms?
    So wheres the cake for tomorrow?

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  6. I didn't know that these things turned into butterflies... always assumed that it was only the green caterpillars who live on trees... don't they build a pupa? :S

  7. Kirigalpoththa - yeah...thinking of sending it to the National Geographic ;)

    Chavie - I think all catapillars turn into butterflies or moths.

    Dee - Thanks ;)

    Serendib_Isle - Eeiiiiikkkkk indeed, but I am having difficulty imagining you saying eeek in a masculine voice ha ha ha

  8. Heyyyy, it was your birthday??! :O

    Happy Belated Birthday Sue!!! :D

  9. he he yep Chavie boy it was. Thanks for the wishes!

  10. Wow.. that's a classic pic! Creepy and terrifying at the same time. -__- But you sure have lotsa guts to take a closeup. hehe..

    Some years back I remember seeing a 3-5 inch big caterpillar wearing a thick fur coat.. scurrying at 60mph! *um.. it may have been like 1 foot per second* still.. twas so scary.. -__-

    PS: I didn't miss your b'day did I? hope I wished you via FB but in case I didn't *cuz I've a lousy memory*, Happy Belated Birthday dear! ^__^

  11. Caterpillars!!

    When I was 13, I leaned against a tree that, unbeknownst to me, had a bunch of caterpillars like this. SQUISH! I was horrifed!

  12. Yeah! I really think you should send it to National Geographic!

  13. This is the link to upload your photos to National Geographic! :)

  14. Wow! Thanks Kirigalpoththa. Will let your know how it goes

  15. Well for all the amazed people, This is really normal behavior for caterpillars and they usually do it at a time of year which I'm not certain about (Yeah I'm that guy who has a bad idea about time). And also I guess that tree might be a suriya tree (Tulip tree of Sri Lanka?) coz they are known to hang and make out there a lot ;).
