I don't know how to react to this incident!! I am not disturbed...though I think I should be...I am not scared...should I be? OK OK enough with the preamble, let me tell you what happened.
Because we have such a lovely view, we have not put up curtains, but we have hung blinds from the roof, out side the window. So there is a space between the blinds and the window.
I had the lights out and just put H2 to sleep and decided to lie down next her until Hubby finished putting H1 to bed in the next room. After about a minuit after lying down, I felt water splashed on my hair. I got up and sat in bed and looked towards the window. There was a man in shorts standing between the blinds and he window. I thought hubby was playing a trick on me and just stared for a couple of seconds. Because there was no reaction from the person standing there, I reached for the light and switched it on. It wasn't my Husband!!!
I screamed ''Thief! thief!'' (I should have screamed &*%$ing pervert!!! but my mind was numb you see). Of cause the bastard bolted.
Hubby was trying to go after him and was looking for a baton. We have none in the house! (time to go shopping!) and there he was trying to go after the fellow with a broom!!! Calls to neighbours and everyone was going up the lane with torches flashing here and there. Of cause the pervert had vanished by then.
I think it was a loony. I mean why else would he throw water at me? Hoping I'd wake up and join him????
Anyway, I am going to put up thick curtains at least in our bedroom now!